Students Passed
Establish Year
Rajrani Mata Shiksha Niketan Inter College was established in the year 2002 with the objective of removing the educational shortcomings of the area and creating the best learning environment as per the requirement. Today this educational institution is the only school in the town where maximum classes and subjects are available for the students as well as the school is leading in the examination results ,environment and discipline and is constantly achieving new dimensions.
Read More...We are inviting applications for the session 2024-25, get registered now!
News & Updates
Schools Toppers 2023
Result declaration on 25 April at 1:30 PM
DNS News- ओपन स्टेट चैंपियनशिप में राजरानी माता शिक्षा निकेतन के बच्चों ने बिखेरा जलवा
Due to heavy Rainfall From Class 1st to 12th
प्रवेश प्रारम्भ
Thought of the Day
What does happy parents says
The school environment enables children to live free & passionate lives and being a digital school, it ignites a flame of positive future; a future that holds million aspirations, astounding energies and marvelous hopes for young brains.
Director's Desk
हर्ष का विषय है की राजरानी माता शिक्षा निकेतन परिवार बच्चों के भविष्य को बेहतर करने के लिए हर कदम पर उनके साथ है......
Read More...राजरानी माता शिक्षा निकेतन इंटर कॉलेज में आपका स्वागत है । सफलता का प्रमाण अनेक रूपों में विकसित हुआ है......
Read More...इस नगर के हृदयस्थल में स्थित राजरानी माता शिक्षा निकेतन इंटर कॉलेज विद्यालय में आपका स्वागत है
Read Moreराजरानी माता शिक्षा निकेतन इंटर कॉलेज से आपका परिचय कराते हुए खुशी हो रही है। ......